Recognised Sponsorship IND

To enable your company to hire highly skilled migrants and researchers, you need to be recognised by the IND and added to the Public Register for Recognised Sponsors. 

What are the advantages of being a sponsor?

Recognition as a sponsor has several advantages:

  • The IND handles applications faster.
  • Fewer pieces of evidence: you need to send fewer pieces of evidence with the application. Your attestation that the employee meets the conditions is usually sufficient, provided you have the required documentation.

If your company is not yet a sponsor recognised by the Dutch immigration services (IND), we apply for this sponsorship on your companies’ behalf. We will inform and advise you on the required actions and documents.

The immigration process went smoother than I thought. Anywr Netherlands’s Dashboard really simplifies the documents and information exchange. Even though we need to reschedule our appointments in IND, all the scheduling was done by Anywr Netherlands officials. I can’t thank you enough for all you had done during the Immigration process. Onur about the immigration application assistance in 2023.

Immigration update
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